Food Packaging Equipment Manufacturing Industry: Policy Dongfeng + Industry Force

- May 01, 2018-

Food packaging is an important part of the food industry, packaging equipment is one of the branches of China's manufacturing industry. Recently, the industry dynamic frequently. This month, the Ministry of Industry issued "on speeding up the development of China's packaging industry guidance," the internal change of mind is obvious, the development of power is accumulating.

  Industry experts said that the next phase of large-scale mergers and acquisitions will inevitably be restructuring.

  Food packaging Equipment Manufacturing Industry: Policy Dongfeng + Industry Force

  Policy Dongfeng December 12, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "guidance on speeding up the transformation and development of China's packaging industry", aiming to further enhance the core competitiveness of China's packaging industry, consolidate the status of the world's packaging power, and promote the construction process of packaging power.

  The guidance of the release, means that the packaging industry will usher in a positive policy, and the future of the industry has a more clear "lighthouse" for the packaging machine equipment industry to indicate the future direction of development. In China, because most packaging machine equipment enterprises are small and medium-sized scale, showing a small cluster, research and development capacity is not strong, slow transition, patent rights awareness is weak, not keep pace with the policy and other defects. Packaging machine Equipment Enterprises in the situation to see the situation, with the help of policy Dongfeng, should strictly check the equipment quality, improve the research and development capabilities of enterprises, speed up the transformation and upgrade speed, so as to make up for their own shortcomings in the market.

  Second, strengthen the cooperation with the Institute of Higher Learning, the introduction of High-tech talent, training advanced team, crack equipment in the process of upgrading the problems encountered in order to technology competition, stimulate enterprise vitality.

  Industry strength "Made in China 2025" is speeding up implementation, and gradually move into the era of intelligent manufacturing. Industrial 4.0 concept is also gradually permeated in the food packaging industry, plastic packaging machinery manufacturers are committed to the development of optical mechatronics, intelligent, combinatorial or modular, such as the representative of the new technology. At present, there are many manufacturers to integrate robots and packaging equipment to a production line, from the early handling, sorting to packaging production, and then to the later detection, storage and transportation, all kinds of automation technology throughout the packaging industry has always been.

  Not only has a higher packaging speed, more accurate packaging accuracy, but also to achieve low energy consumption, for enterprises to save costs. In addition, China's packaging research institutions have been constantly looking for gaps in the continuous learning of new technologies, and gradually produce a high degree of automation, reliability and flexibility, production speed, high technical content of the characteristics of packaging machinery technology.

  To exert the role of enterprise as the main body in cooperative innovation to promote the restructuring of the industry, the formation of enterprises and "small but fine, fine and professional, strong" industrial development model; To strengthen standards, testing, equipment platform construction, enterprises should encourage the use of domestic packaging equipment technology machinery to encourage private enterprises to develop vigorously.

  Future trends Because of the food equipment field, especially in liquid packaging, dairy processing, livestock and poultry products processing, liquor and condiment brewing and other areas of the general existence of a certain technical barriers, the industry's profit margin relative to other industries higher, therefore, foreign capital into the field of food equipment, specific performance in the industry large-scale equity financing, IPO financing and the integration of mergers and acquisitions within the relevant industrial chain.

  Large-scale Capital market intervention provides a large amount of financial support for the industry, which helps many enterprises innovate products, adjust industrial structure and highlight competitive advantages. When an industry develops to a certain stage, it will set off a wave of mergers and acquisitions, thus forming a monopolistic competition situation. Food Equipment Enterprise Differentiation obvious, strong stronger, weak weaker, in the fast development of the food industry in the golden stage, no matter the technical advantages of the obvious large and medium-sized enterprises, or a small enterprise with price advantages, can be a piece of the market, so, from the overall profit margin of the industry, will perform well.

  However, from 2014 onwards the industry's loss data more and more clearly show the trend of industry concentration increase, coupled with the large-scale capital market intervention, in the future for some time, the food equipment industry in large-scale mergers and acquisitions is inevitable.

  Small series of conclusion: Food packaging equipment industry to the new intersection, on the one hand, the industry chaos, market demand in the fall forced the industry to upgrade, on the other hand, the national manufacturing development planning in order to create favorable conditions for food packaging equipment production.

  Whether it is the policy of the East wind, or the accumulation of industry power will bring new strength, along with mergers and acquisitions, will open a new situation. But the industry must realize that the current low price competition in the industry, a large range of imitation problems to be resolved, and this must rely on technological innovation, personnel training and other measures to make up for the short board, really do a good job quality brand.