China's First Solar Highway Opened To Traffic By The End Of The Year

- Jun 02, 2018-

Jinan South Round-Road Expressway will become the world's first highway to carry research and development and laying of photovoltaic roads. At present, the project is under construction. According to CCTV's report on December 1, the solar road can not only carry small electric vehicles but also medium-sized goods vehicles. There is no significant difference between the vehicle's driving conditions and driving on ordinary asphalt roads. At present, the road has been connected to a charging pile to realize grid-connected power generation.

“Photovoltaic roads are converted into electricity through solar energy collected to achieve solar power generation.” Zhang Hongchao, a professor of the Tongji University School of Transportation Engineering, which provides the core technology for the project, said that the project adopted a bearer-type photovoltaic pavement technology, which is a Photovoltaic power generation components that meet the vehicle's traffic conditions are laid directly on the road surface to realize solar power generation technology.

The surface of the “solar road” is called “transparent concrete”, and its compressive and anti-slip properties have been strengthened by satisfying the use of the road surface. Its technical indicators and traffic safety factor have surpassed the asphalt concrete pavements currently used. In addition, it can also achieve electrothermal conversion, melting road area snow.

The total length of this project is approximately 2 kilometers. It is invested and constructed by Qilu Transportation Development Group and is expected to be operational by the end of December. The Group is a state-owned capital investment and operation company of Shandong Province. It was established in July 2015 with a registered capital of RMB 22.6 billion. It is mainly responsible for the operation and management of the expressways under its jurisdiction and undertakes the tasks of the provincial government for the construction of major transportation projects.

Solar highways do not need to occupy additional land, but also provide high-quality clean energy for cities and residents along the route. According to the company’s introduction, taking the expressway in Shandong Province as an example, only an emergency parking lot with a total area of more than 26 million square meters, after laying photovoltaic equipment on the road, the annual power generation will reach 6.217 billion degrees, and the power generation benefit will be 6.093 billion yuan. Emissions of 6.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, emission reduction benefits of 1.86 billion yuan, direct benefits of 7.95 billion yuan.

On September 29 this year, the company completed the construction of China's first photovoltaic pavement demonstration zone in Jinan, Shandong Province. It completed the laying of 660 square meters of road surface and realized grid-connected power generation within 10 months. At the same time, the demonstration area is equipped with derivative applications such as electric vehicle charging piles and smart guide markings. It is the first photovoltaic road test section in China and is also the first photovoltaic road surface laid in the entire width of the road.

The company said that in the future, it will also combine new technologies such as electric vehicles, big data, and driverlessness to explore various possibilities for solar highway applications. For example, through the connection with electric vehicle technology to realize the mobile charging of vehicles, the highway network throughout the country will become a mobile “solar charging treasure”; through the connection with information technology and big data, the information exchange between road and vehicle will be realized. , Providing proactive technical support for driverless driving.

The concept of "solar road" was first proposed by the United States in the Netherlands in the year of the couples of Brushaw and they founded SolarRoadways in the same year to specifically study the application of solar energy in ground scenes. In 2014, the company became famous for its proposal to lay solar roads throughout the United States.

In July 2016, SolarRoadways Co., Ltd. cooperated with the transportation department of Missouri, USA, and laid a hexagonal shape developed by the company on a short sidewalk on the “Mother’s Road” - Route 66 in the United States. Kinetic solar panels and pilots.

The solar panel developed by the company has a special hexagonal shape design, allowing rainwater to quickly flow away; full coverage of low-iron glass, high transparency, with superior load and traction, can bear 250,000 pounds; embedded LED lights can be remotely controlled, illuminate the driver, indicate directions or provide information; internal heat-conducting components are also provided to prevent ice or snow on the road surface. As SolarRoadways envisions, wireless charging for electric vehicles will be added in the future.

At the end of December last year, the world’s first “solar road” was formally put into use in the town of Tulpure in the northwestern part of France. The project was financed by the French government, which invested 5 million euros (about 39.18 million yuan) to build an annual power generation capacity of 280,000 degrees, which can support the daily public lighting of a small town of 5,000 people. The solar panels laid on the surface of the project were built by COLAS, a company owned by the French Büge Group.

The world's first solar energy applied to the road appeared in the city of Kromenny in the northern part of the Netherlands. The city has laid the world's first solar cycle path. The road is 70 meters long and 2 meters wide, with a cost of 3.5 million euros (about 23 million yuan). The project was jointly developed by the Netherlands Applied Science Research Institute (TNO) and Royal Imtech Technology Corporation. Construction started in 2009 and it was expanded to 100 meters in 2016.