Pearl Construction Machinery Enterprises In The Vicinity Of The Area Focused On Burma

- Apr 08, 2018-

With the start of a series of reforms in Burma in 2010, Myanmar's social and economic development has achieved rapid development. With the international community lifting the economic and financial sanctions against Burma, the foreign investment in Burma is increasing, and the local infrastructure construction industry has come to a climax. As an important country along the way, Burma's ties with China have been strengthened, and the two sides will jointly promote the interconnection of railways, highways and electricity, and strengthen infrastructure cooperation.

China's construction machinery enterprises in recent years to increase the strength of the market in Southeast Asia, in the face of Myanmar, a huge potential market, Chinese enterprises are also carrying out a comprehensive layout.

31 Road Machine Equipment to assist Burma economic artery Recently, the Yangon-Mandalay expressway upgrading and completion ceremony in the capital of Myanmar held, 31 development and production of road roller, paver, grader a total of 9 equipment at the ceremony.

Burma's construction minister Wu Wenxian attended the ceremony, and he gave full recognition to the quality of the highways built by 31 of equipment. The road upgrade project by the well-known road construction enterprises in Burma, the east high-speed building, the construction of the road used in all the mechanical equipment from 31.

Oriental high-speed related officials said, the current Oriental high-speed company has 31 equipment about 100 units, for 31 products, they are full of confidence, in the future will also be in more projects with 31 cooperation. At present, 31 in Myanmar has 4 service outlets, nearly 700 units of various types of equipment.

In the Yangon International Airport, Mandalay International Airport, Yunnan Ruili to Burma, Mandalay Highway and other key projects in the construction, have used a large number of 31 of equipment.

Burma's president praises Xugong: contributing to Burma's infrastructure! Recently, the Myanmar Construction Machinery Association in the capital of the new office has held the inauguration ceremony. As a representative of China Construction Machinery industry, Xugong Group was invited to attend the ceremony. During the period, the Burmese President Wu Yanjue and his entourage visited the exhibition area of Xu Gong, understanding the development of Xugong in Burma and the achievement of business achievements, the contribution of Xugong to the construction of infrastructure in Burma in recent years, and highly appreciates the excellent quality of xugong equipment, and encouraged Xugong to redouble its efforts to seize the good time and make better achievements.